
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Joy Burkhart

Joy is this horrible girl in my english class who just strives everyday to make my life miserable.
I told her about my blog the other day and so she decided it would be fun to refresh my blog's homepage on her computer 24 times. So when I check my stats on how many times people have seen my blog there are these horrible peaks that give me false hope of popularity... haha.
... but I decided to make a gif of her. Muahahahahahaha~~~~ >:P

Don't worry guys I don;t really hate her.... kinda. ^^


  1. fuck you lindsay bae -_-
    and it's Burkart
    I'M NEVER LOOKING AT THIS BLOG AGAIN... NYEH *runs away to emo corner*

  2. haha~ i purposely spelled your name wrong so people couldn't find you but i guess you just screwed your life~ ^^
