
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wǒ huílái le (我回來了)

I'm Back!!! ^^
China was AMAZING!
I feel that a lot of people don't really "see" China.
I didn't really "see" China until this trip either.
As the Chinese teacher said at my school, "China is like an elephant. You touch the ear and yes the ear is true but not the whole elephant. You touch the nose and yes it is true but not the whole elephant."
Haha~ I love this explanation because it's so true!
We visited mainly Beijing, Dahli, and Shanghai.
I took a bizillion pictures!~ I'll be sure to post each day with descriptions and pictures~ ^^
When we came back and landed in Nashville it was 10:30 PM.
I came home and took a nice bath and slept and 8 AM. ahh...
and then I died for 15 hours~ ^^
Go me. and now I'm pretty good about my jet lag~ ^^
unlike KAD who is slept at 9 AM today... shame on KAD (my friend)
now I'm going to go to the circus~ byebye~ ^^

Not Alone - Park Jung Min

Ahh~~ Love this song and man~~~ ^^

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