
Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yay! Exams are now over and its Christmas in 6 days! Whoo~
I really can't fathom that 2010 is almost over...
Ooooo~ its so scary.
Anyways!! Its time for giving and a good holiday spirit!! ^^
Also a FOREVER21 opened where I live!!!
I went there and its SOOO amazing!!! ^^
I bought a really cute jacket!!! :P
and a pair of socks and some polishes~
So I have to make a list of gifts to buy....
and we just went shopping for my little brothers gifts (who still believes in Santa) and so I have to wrap that~
ahh~~ holiday shopping is hard~
and I'm going to the mall again tomorrow... at 9AM. (ugh, friends)
plus I have to find a hairstyle and a color to dye my hair with!!
I was thinking black but thats not happening since I am going to China... *sigh*
So much to do during the holidays!!!
I'm thinking of doing one of these tutorials: (some of them my nails aren't long enough...)


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