
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Hair

After 2 (TWO) months of fading red curly hair I finally got my hair done~ ^^
*sigh* I really wanted to bleach my hair.... but its so hard convincing Asian parents. Haha.
So in the end I was stuck with a dark brown..... *bigger sigh*
here we go:


haha~ you can see it fading~ plus these were taken on different days~

Now using these pictures as examples that I showed to the hair dresser:

- I know~ really fobby but then it turns out likeeeee THIS:

*sigh* She cut my bangs too much..... T.T
man... never again. 
Plus we stayed there for 5 hours!! 
because it was sort of busy plus I had to dye my hair twice and my little brother got a perm while my other brother got a trim (I cut his hair short previously during the Winter break. teehee) ~ haha~ so cute~ ^^

Yay, for little brothers~

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