
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Confession of a Lazy teenager

yes. I admit it. I am lazy.
But I wasn't always lazy..
Something happened and its been like that since.
Everyone keeps telling me to try and that I don't have to worry about it later...
but its hard trying....
If I can't do it right then I don't do it.
Perhaps I'm a perfectionist.
But that doesn't matter.
They say its about the journey but really it's the results that count.
I am envious of those who can take the shortcut because they were just born with it.
I wasn't born with that but sometimes I pretend I was.
But I'm going to pull my britches up to my waist and get myself to work.
Just this week though because that's all the energy I have.
I've got to get ready.

(yay for vague poems)

I can't believe 2010 is almost done.
But we gotta get through this.
I promise to do better next year. PROMISE.


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