I finished the original novel today! ^^
First I saw the animated version and I absolutely love the way Hayao Miyazaki made the film but the book is just as brilliant! Of course the film doesn't go 100% to the book but I would say that Hayao got the heart of the story just beautifully and made a wonderful film. In the film, Howl is handsome and dashing man (just like he's suppose to be) but in the book you get more depth of his personality and background. Howl is also such a big diva!! He is much more selfish and dramatic in the book than the movie (and it's really amusing). In the book Calcifer is suppose to look pretty scary but you can tell that he is somewhat of a sweet heart, but I like the way Hayao drew him. It suits his character more. Michael is actually suppose to be 15 and in love with Sophie's sister which really surprised me. It was hard for me to see Michael older than what he was portrayed in the film.
Anyways, I could just write and write about the differences and similarities of the film and book for pages. If you love the animation or the book then you should experience both and compare them!
This story is by Diana Wynne Jones and I'm sorry to say that she passed in the March earlier this year from lung cancer. May she rest in peace.
This link here shows how she felt about the film:
*I'm glad that she thought Howl was sexy too* #I'm not the only one