As you can see I changed my theme! xD and I plan to put a playlist soon!
Plus I have to update all the
but guess what? I'M A SENIOR!!! OM MA GAAWWSHH!!! hahaha!
I'm super exciting and overwhelmed but I'm pretty sure everyone is...
and I'm going to study my butt off. REALLY- so I can go to Japan/Korea next year!! YAY!
Ever heard of the saying "To gain something, you have to lose something"
— Amanullah Ashraf
Well, recently I took this to heart because my whole high school career I always thought that I could do EVERYTHING--but I can't (obviously). SO I am going to make sacrifices that I should have made a LOOONG time ago.
I need to make a list (cause they're fun to make)
1. Balance time on the internet
I literally get sucked to whatever site I'm interested. On Tumblr I can lost an hour almost instantly sometimes. That needs to be controlled.
2. Asian Drama's
Asian dramas are a part of my life. It's gonna be hard to cut it entirely... so for now I'm going to only watch 1 drama at a time and only 1 episode a week. If I still can't get the results I want from school then I will completely shut it out of my life.
3. Anime/manga
I don't think I've been watching a lot lately but when something good comes out I know I will watch everything without sleeping. If an interesting anime comes out then the same rule with number 2.
4. I need to COMMIT COMMIT!!!!